Prof. Dr. Luma Al Banna Al-Hawari (Jordan / Plant Protection)
Current Research Institution:
University of Jordan, Department of Plant Protection
Current Position:
Associate Professor
Research Interests:
My interests are mentoring and advising student, conducting research, and teaching in the area of Plant Pathology and particularly, Nematology. My research is concentrated in taxonomy and
management of plant parasitic nematodes based on their epidemiology. Conducting research and teaching nematology is not only to fulfil my own interests but also to provide services to
both farmers and graduates.
Why I recommend Bonn:
Back in 2012, I had a fruitful discussion with Professor Florian Grundler, a nematologist and the Department Head of Molecular Phytomedicine at University of Bonn, during the European
Society of Nematologists International symposia that was held in Adana, Turkey. In 2013, Prof. Grundler invited me to spend my sabbatical leaf in his Laboratory. I stayed in Bonn for
almost seven months and since then I visited Bonn University several times for conducting research, for teaching nematode taxonomy, and to initiate collaboration between my university and
University of Bonn.
I always enjoyed my staying in Bonn and at University of Bonn. Prof. Grundler‘s laboratories are very well equipped, and this makes work very effective. Grundler nematology group make
scholars feel welcome. His group consists of several Post doctorates, PhD, MSc, and Bachelor students who work all as a team and produced high quality research. I believe this nematology
team is one example of the teams existed at University of Bonn.
Another reason why studying at University of Bonn is the city of Bonn itself. Bonn city with its parks that lies along the banks of the River Rhine possesses a rich and attractive
cultural scene with activities, festivals, museums, historic Churches, historic downtown, cafes and restaurants, music, parks including the botanical garden which is affiliated with the
University of Bonn, and forests. It is worthy to mention that Bonn public transportation, busses and trams, is easy, comfortable, reliable, and efficient. Not only that but also trains
networks cover the entire country and Europe and they are well organized infrastructure, with information and timetables available online.