Become a sponsor of the Deutschlandstipendium now!
For over 10 years, the Deutschlandstipendium has been supporting talented students at the University of Bonn in achieving their academic goals. The scholarship is not only a valuable award for outstanding academic achievements, but also recognizes special social and voluntary commitment.
The funding round for this year's scholarships runs until September 18.
Take the opportunity to support promising students - read more about the Deutschlandstipendium here.

Job Talks

One Hour - One Job - One Perspective

Within one hour, doctoral degree holders give a concrete idea of their work in fields of business, society and research management.

Image: Bernadett Yehdou/University of Bonn
Career Forum

Students ask - Alumni answer!

03.05.2024: Career Forum Franco-German Studies 07.05.2024: Career Forum Pharmaceutics 12.06.2024: Career Forum and Internship Market Geography 19.06.2024: Career Forum Applied Linguistics 24.06.2024: Career Forum North American Studies

Image: Volker Lannert/Bonn University
Argelander Career Talks

The "Argelander Career Talks" are an online event series which aims to portrait both international academic careers as well as science systems in other countries. The lecture series is aimed at early-careers researchers of all subject areas, irrespective of the research field of the invited professor.

26.04.2024: Prof. Dr. Kikuko Kashiwagi, German Studies, Kansai University, Japan (in English)

Image: Bernadett Yehdou/Bonn University
Bonn University Ambassadors

Bonn Alumni as International Academic Contacts

As former visiting researchers of the University, the Bonn University Ambassadors are part of our strong worldwide network
and provide a local point of contact for interested researchers and junior researchers.

Image: Bonn University
Alumni support students
Job Talks
Forum Beruf
Argelander Career Talks
Bonn University Ambassadors
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The Alumni-Network

Since 2007, the Alumni Network 20736 connects alumni, staff and active students of the University of Bonn. With its services and offers as well as its departmental and regional groups, the Alumni Network provides a variety of opportunities to stay in touch with the University of Bonn and to network professionally as well as regionally.

Hauptgebäude der Universität Bonn
© Volker Lannert
Portraitfoto Prof. Dr. Michael Hoch

Dear Alumni,

Welcome to the pages of the Alumni Network of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn!

I cordially invite you to join our alumni community and thus continue to be an active part of the university family.

Beispielvideo Alumni Online

Lectures on current topics and exciting research at the University of Bonn.

Beispielvideo Alumni Online

Karriere – was ist das eigentlich?






Subject-related and regional groups

Bonn University Ambassadors
The Bonn University Ambassadors represent the University of Bonn abroad and are available to interested young scientists as a first point of contact for information about a research stay in Bonn.
Since 2016, members of the Alumni Network have been supporting committed and talented students within the framework of the Deutschlandstipendium! Thanks to the support of our members, a large number of scholarships have already been funded.
Subscribe to our newsletters and the university magazine “forsch” (online edition) and keep up with the news.
As a member of the Alumni Network of the University of Bonn you have the possibility to use your existing address as a forwarding address even after your time at the University of Bonn has ended.
Forum Beruf
In cooperation with the faculties and interested seminars and institutes, the Alumni Network of the University of Bonn organizes the event series "Career Forum" in cooperation with the Career Service.
Internationale Forscher-Alumni
Scientists from all over the world conduct research and teach at the University of Bonn. We are proud of this internationality, which is an outstanding enrichment for Bonn's science and for university life.
Graduates of the University of Bonn find themselves in very different professions and regions of the world. Interesting lifes and success stories of Bonn alumni are regularly portrayed in the university newspaper 'forsch'.
Postkarte mit Zitat Heinrich Heines auf gelbem Hintergrund: In uns selbst liegen
die Sterne unseres Glücks.

"Alumni quote" of the week

Heinrich Heine (1797-1856):

Bedeutender deutscher Dichter, Schrift steller und Journalist des 19. Jahrhunderts. Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Bonn 1819-1820.
Quelle Zitat: Heinrich Heine – Memoiren, 1928, S.53.

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